HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2024
HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2024

Top 8 HK Outlying Islands 2024| Peng Chau, Lamma Island…



HK Outlying Islands 2024 |Planning a family day trip in 2024? Discover the beauty of Hong Kong’s Outlying Islands! Our guide highlights 8 exceptional destinations offering a unique blend of fishing village culture, mountainous landscapes, foodie havens, and more. Let’s dive into these captivating one-day escapes!

HK Outlying Islands 2024 | This time we recommend 8 islands scattered across Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories. Each island has its own rich itinerary that requires a whole day to explore. Enjoy food, fun, and shopping all in one! See details below.

1.Peng Chau

Relaxing Tour Route: Combining Art and Food

At just a third of Cheung Chau’s size, Peng Chau, once an industrial hub in Hong Kong, has evolved while preserving its unique heritage, including derelict factories, serene beaches, and vibrant street art. This tranquil island offers a perfect escape from the city’s frenzy. When it comes to dining, “The Edible Projects” stands out, a social enterprise café exuding European allure. This eatery serves a variety of light meals and beverages, with vegetarian options thoughtfully crafted to satisfy diverse palates. A must-visit culinary spot is “Wah Kee Snack Shop,” tucked away in an alley beside the New BMW Restaurant on Wing On Street. Here, a wide selection of affordable snacks awaits, with fried delicacies like glutinous rice balls, squid, and radish cakes, typically priced at only $10 per serving. Be sure to try the famed deep-fried shrimp cake, a local favourite that often runs out by afternoon – it’s best to get there early for a taste!

HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 充滿歐陸風情的黃白色小屋,有種遠離煩囂的感覺。
The yellow and white cottage is full of European charm, giving a sense of being away from the hustle and bustle.(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)
HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 被譽為坪洲隱世美食的「華記小食店」,要經過永安街新寶馬餐廳旁的小巷才會發現,位置相當隱秘。
The “Wah Kee Snack Shop,” acclaimed as a hidden gem of Ping Chau’s cuisine, can only be discovered by passing through the alley next to Yong’an Street’s New BMW Restaurant. Its location is quite secretive.(Image source:Weekend Weekly Editor)

Peng Chau is dotted with numerous popular attractions, among which the Cowshed, often referred to as Peng Chau’s Secret Garden, is a must-see destination. This site is renowned for its vibrant art installations crafted from recycled materials like old chairs, wood, and tyres. Though it may appear somewhat derelict, its unique aesthetic lends a charmingly rustic and highly photogenic quality. Another less frequented gem is Tai Lei Island, a serene spot perfect for sea-gazing and sunset-watching. The lighthouse at Tai Lei Wan Pier offers a splendid vantage point for sunset admirers. A short five-minute stroll from there leads to a secluded beach, home to Turtle Rock, which presents an unmatched seascape view. This spot exudes a peaceful ambience, ideal for unwinding and taking in the natural beauty of Peng Chau.

HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 牛皮廠內的藝術裝置每月更新,每次來到都會有一番新景象。
The art installations inside the leather factory are updated every month, and each visit will bring a new scene.(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)
HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 大利灣碼頭的燈塔,配合粉藍色的欄杆,打卡有種淡淡的日系感!
The lighthouse at Tai O Pier, with its powder blue railing, super beautiful!(Image source: Weekend weekly Editor)

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2. Lamma Island

Simple Mountain Tour Route

Lamma Island has always been a popular hiking destination, with two main routes: Yung Shue Wan (榕樹灣) and Sok Kwu Wan (索罟灣).Starting from Yung Shue Wan, along the way you can see one of Lamma Island’s landmarks: the three chimneys of the power plant, the fusion of Chinese and Western Tin Hau Temple, and the Lamma Winds Power Station. Don’t forget to visit Tai Wan To Beach near the nearby power plant to get a close-up view of the three chimneys, and go to what locals call “Old Pier” where sampans are docked to watch the sunset.

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(Image source: 坂口太太authorised Pic)
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(Image source: 坂口太太authorised Pic)

On your visit to Lamma Island, don’t miss out on the famed local treat – Kin Hing Ah Po’s Tofu Pudding (建興亞婆豆腐花). Prepared fresh daily by the owner, this delicacy offers a rich and aromatic experience when enjoyed hot, and a smooth, sweet delight when served cold – each form presenting its own distinct appeal. After savouring this treat, consider picking up some souvenirs. A top recommendation is Namlam Gold Rolls, a renowned name in the island’s souvenir market, known for their exceptional quality. Their offerings include homemade egg rolls, the unique salted rice fish – a first in Hong Kong, and an array of homemade sauces, each deliciously irresistible. This is an excellent opportunity to bring a taste of Lamma Island back home with you.

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(Image source: 坂口太太authorised Pic)

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3.Po Toi Island

Must-visit Island Circumnavigation Mountain Route

Po Toi Island, positioned at the southernmost tip of Hong Kong, is an essential destination for hiking enthusiasts. The island offers a variety of hiking trails, with a complete loop taking approximately 3 hours. These trails, primarily hugging the coastline, provide a moderately easy hike.

The favoured hiking route is as follows: Po Toi Pier → Wu’s Ghost House → Coffin Rock → Ngau Wu Teng (Bull Lake Peak) → Ling Kwu Shek (Spirit Turtle Rock) → Monk Rock → 126 Lighthouse → Buddha’s Hand Rock → Po Toi Stone Carvings → back to the Pier. Along this trail, hikers are treated to numerous picturesque spots perfect for capturing and sharing on social media. Notable sites include the Po Toi Stone Carvings, a Grade I historic building as per Hong Kong’s heritage grading system, the enchanting pink Po Toi Island Bridge, and the intriguing Buddha’s Hand Rock. Additionally, the trail features several iconic rock formations like Spirit Turtle Rock (Ling Kwu Shek), Monk Rock (Seng Yan Shek), and Echoing Conch Stone (Heung Lo Shek).

A culinary highlight of Po Toi Island is its signature Seaweed Noodle with Egg, found near the pier. This dish is a must-try for visitors, offering a unique taste of the island’s local flavour.

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(Image source:
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(Image source:
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(Image source: YouTube@Travis To 旅行者)

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4. Cheung Chau

Popular Island Destination in Hong Kong

Cheung Chau offers a diverse array of charming cafés, perfect for both dining and photo opportunities. Highlights include Go Tea Time‘s acclaimed fried dumplings with Affogato. The island’s street food, notably hand rolls and oyster congee, is a must-try, along with the popular Cheung Chau subway check-in wall for memorable snaps. Don’t miss Yuen Shing Dessert’s signature mango glutinous rice cakes, a true taste of local flavour.

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(Image source: Go Tea Time Authorised Pic)
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(Image source: IG@chilllifehk)
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(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)

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5.Tai O

Fishing Village Known for Its Charming Scenery, Delicious Food, and Historical Sites

Tai O, a quaint fishing village island, is known for its stilt houses and traditional fishing boats. This picturesque setting has been the backdrop for numerous TV dramas and music videos. A standout local delicacy is the deep-fried sah wong (沙翁), a traditional snack made from flour and egg batter, deep-fried to a golden hue and sugar-coated, offering a crispy exterior and soft interior. Equally enticing are the tea fruit (茶粿) and glutinous rice cakes (糯米糍), freshly prepared daily with a firewood steaming method for an authentic taste. These treats are in high demand and often sold out by late afternoon, so early arrival is recommended. For a scenic dining experience, visit the Tai O Banyan Tree café on Kau Tsuen Street, featuring a hidden terrace overlooking the water village – a perfect blend of taste and ambience.

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sah wong(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)
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(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)

Don’t miss the spot at the Tai O Rural Committee, where there is a giant 3D illusion mural that depicts the daily lives of residents and the culture of Tai O. Also, don’t forget to pay attention to the cat stars on the street. In Tai O, there are often different pet cats and stray cats roaming around, making it like a cat village in Hong Kong. If you want to take photos with cats, remember to keep your distance and not scare them away so that animals and visitors can coexist peacefully! There are also many handmade and traditional food products in Tai O that can be brought back as souvenirs. Why not bring some home to continue savoring the “Tai O charm”!

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(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)
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(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)

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6. Mui Wo

Leisurely and Romantic, With Unique Historical Sites

Mui Wo is not as bustling as Cheung Chau and Lamma Island, it is a quiet and unique outlying island. It has a long history and many historical sites, such as Hung Shing Temple, Mui Wo Fort, Silver Mine Cave, etc., which are full of character. To reach the Silver Mine Cave and waterfall, just take an easy hiking trail that takes about 15 minutes. Even spontaneous hiking is no problem! Compared to the beaches in the city area, Silver Mine Bay Beach has fewer people and clear water with fine sand. There is often a sea breeze blowing. Nearby there is Silvermine Bay Hotel where you can rest for a night after playing tiredly. In addition, there are various water activities available such as water biking and kayaking that you can participate in. You can choose either a day trip or a two-day-one-night short journey.

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(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)
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(Image source: ig@hitony210)

Mui Wo has many foreigners and a lot of Western food, but also many Hong Kong-style small shops that are equally attractive. You can try the “3-tier afternoon tea” at the 66-year-old Mak Sang Kee Ice Room, and don’t forget to try the limited popular crab with eggplant and lemon dish at the Vietnamese restaurant in Mui Wo. It is fresh and sweet with a hint of sourness when you take a bite. Remember to plan your time ahead to give it a try!

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(Image source: Instagram@wanyiulob)
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(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)

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7.Ap Chau & Kat O

Must-see Rare Duck Eye Spectacle on Easy Hiking

The ferry route between Ap Chau and Kat O in Hong Kong was opened in 2018. The two small islands are about 15 minutes apart by boat, and many people choose to visit both islands at once. On Ap Chau, you can find rare red volcanic rocks and admire various typical coastal landforms up close, such as sea cliffs, platforms, and columns formed by erosion. After returning to Kat O, you can first try the famous local dish of squid balls near the pier – they are deliciously chewy! Once you’re full, you can challenge yourself by climbing over 300 steps to reach the highest point on Kat O – Chicken’s Neck Hill at a height of 122 meters. From there, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery nearby. It is important to note that ferry schedules between the two islands are limited, so remember to pay attention to your visiting time and ferry schedule!

HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 鴨洲
Ap Chau(Image source: @YouTube利奧 Capture Image)
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Kat O(Image source: YouTube@利奧Capture Image)
HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 吉澳美食
Kat O Cusine(Image source: YouTube@利奧 Capture Image)

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8.Grass Island

Invincible Seaview Great Lawn Day Tour

Grass Island (also called Tap Mun) is a small island located north of Sai Kung. The island has many stacked large stones that tower like towers. It offers unbeatable sea views, large grasslands, fishing village charm, ancient temple architecture, peculiar rock formations, and less light pollution. It has always been a popular destination for camping and stargazing. Similarly, it can be visited in a day by following the hiking trail around the entire island, which takes about two hours. The highest point “Maoping Mountain” is only 125 meters above sea level, making it easy to reach the summit! Highly recommended dishes include sea urchin fried rice and deep-fried squid balls with excellent taste!

HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 塔門有大片草地可以盡情感受大自然!
There is large grassland in Tap Mun(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)
HK Outlying Islands 2024 HK Outlying Islands 2023 Outlying Islands 2023 離島好去處2023 離島好去處 塔門美食推介:海膽炒飯
Tap Mun Food Recommendation: Stir-fried Rice with Sea Urchin(Image source: Weekend Weekly Editor)

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Image source:Go Tea Time Authorised Pic, 坂口太太authorised Pic,YouTube@Travis To, ig@hitony210, Instagram@wanyiulob, YouTube@利奧 , Weekend Weekly Editor,, ig@hitony210