Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies (Image source:Klook) Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies (Image source:Klook)
Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies (Image source:Klook) Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies (Image source:Klook)

Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies at Tai Kwun

Festivals and Events


Tai Kwun, the bustling cultural and artistic hub of Hong Kong, is proud to host the “Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies” exhibition. This remarkable event, running from 20 December 2023 to 1 April 2024, invites visitors to explore the intricate connections between art and ecology amidst the backdrop of rising global temperatures and extreme weather events.

Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies at Tai Kwun

“Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies” is a convergence of over 30 artists and collectives from 20 countries, showcasing more than 60 innovative works. The exhibition provides a platform for exploring a multitude of mythologies and world views, with women at their core. These narratives offer a fresh perspective on ecological relationships and the envisioning of alternative futures.

Confronting Ecological Crises

The exhibition delves into the extractive economies that are the root cause of our ecological crises. It challenges the perception of nature as merely a resource for exploitation, proposing alternative narratives. These artist visions celebrate nature as a generative force, drawing on ecofeminism principles like care and interrelationship. The exhibition underscores the value of care labour in the reproduction of existence, often undervalued in patriarchal and imperial systems.

Symbolism and Mythology

The title “Green Snake” is a nod to the ancient Chinese folktale of the demon sisters, White Snake and Green Snake. It also references snake-like figures across various cultures and cosmologies. The exhibition draws parallels between these mythologies and the resilience and transformational abilities of nature. The artists in this exhibition have a deep connection with river ecosystems and their associated mythologies, offering a symphony of empathy and care for non-human existence.

A Diverse Array of Artistic Talent

Curated by Kathryn Weir and Xue Tan, with assistant curators Tiffany Leung and Pietro Scammacca, the exhibition features works from artists including AFSAR (Asian Feminist Studio for Art and Research), Yussef Agbo-Ola & Tabita Rezaire, and many more. Each artist brings a unique perspective, contributing to a rich tapestry of creativity and insight.

Practical Information

  • Date & Time: 20 DEC 2023 – 1 APR 2024, 11am – 7pm (Closed on Mondays)
  • Location: 1/F JC Contemporary & F Hall, Prison Yard
  • Price: Free of charge

Experience the profound connection between art and ecology at Tai Kwun’s “Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies” exhibition. This event promises to be a transformative journey, inviting us to reconsider our relationship with nature and the larger universe.

What are the dates and location for the Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies exhibition in Hong Kong?

The exhibition is held from 20 December 2023 to 1 April 2024 at 1/F JC Contemporary & F Hall, Prison Yard in Tai Kwun, Hong Kong.Click for More

What are some key themes in the artworks at the Green Snake: Women-Centred Ecologies exhibition?

Key themes include the critique of extractive economies, the celebration of nature as a generative force, and the emphasis on care and interrelationships fundamental to ecofeminism.Click for More

Image source:Klook