Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 (Image source:Shutterstock) Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 (Image source:Shutterstock)
Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 (Image source:Shutterstock) Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 (Image source:Shutterstock)

Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024: Year of the Rat/ Ox/Tiger/ Rabbit



Explore the Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 for Rat, Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit under the influence of the Year of the Dragon. Delve into detailed analyses of each sign’s love, career, financial, and health prospects. Master Guan Shihua’s expertise guides you through potential zodiac clashes and brings fortunate tips to navigate the year with confidence and prosperity.


Explore the Chinese Zodiac predictions 2024 of Year of the Dragon

Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024:

  1. Rat Zodiac Horoscope 2024
  2. Ox Zodiac Horoscope 2024
  3. Tiger Zodiac Horoscope 2024
  4. Rabbit Zodiac Horoscope 2024
Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig

Chinese Zodiac predictions 2024 | Rat Zodiac Horoscope

Love Horoscope This year, the Rat sign is in a harmonious phase. Although it lacks the strong influence of the “Red Luan Peach Blossom,” interpersonal relationships are still very favourable. Stability is more prominent this year compared to the fluctuating fortunes of last year’s Peach Blossom phase. Plans are likely to be successfully achieved, making it a relatively good year.
Career Horoscope For those born in the Year of the Rat, 2024 is a year of career advancement. Work performance will be highly praised, garnering recognition and appreciation from peers. The “General Star” symbolises leadership abilities and predicts ideal career progress, especially for those in military, construction, or engineering fields, who may experience extra good fortune. This year presents endless opportunities, so fully utilise your potential for career success.
Financial Horoscope Financial prospects are promising for the Rat in the Year of the Dragon. Both job and financial fortunes are expected to improve. For employees, there are prospects of promotion and salary increases. Entrepreneurs and businesspersons can anticipate substantial profits and significant achievements.
Health Horoscope There’s an increased risk of minor accidents, particularly involving hands and feet, so it’s advisable to avoid high-risk activities. The “White Tiger” star suggests potential encounters with aggressive and unreasonable women, so maintaining calm and avoiding direct conflicts is recommended.
Precautions This year, it’s important to seek blessings and engage in charitable deeds for peace and safety.

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Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 2024年生肖運程 龍年運程 兔年運程2023 12生肖運勢篇 2023兔年12生肖運程:屬鼠
(Image source:New Media Group Photo Library)

Chinese Zodiac predictions 2024 | Ox Zodiac Horoscope

Love Horoscope In terms of romantic relationships, both men and women should practice patience and tolerance to avoid arguments that could harm the relationship, especially in the lunar months of March, June, September, and December.
Career Horoscope For those born in the Year of the Ox, 2024 is a year for gaining power and status. However, without the support of influential benefactors, extra effort is needed to fullfill aspirations.
Financial Horoscope As it’s a year of breaking Tai Sui for the Ox, sudden disruptions are likely, leading to financial losses or damage, such as the breakdown of friendships or partnerships.
Health Horoscope There is an increased susceptibility to illness.
Precautions It is advisable to practice forgiveness and tolerance, and engage in charitable deeds for safety. The “Heavenly Virtue” star represents turning misfortune into fortune, not in the literal sense, but by indicating a weaker desire for revenge and an easier inclination to forgive. This naturally leads to fewer conflicts and mishaps, hence the interpretation of turning misfortune into fortune. Overall, the impact of auspicious and inauspicious stars is not very pronounced this year. The overall personal fortune, as determined by Zi Wei Dou Shu astrology, will give a clearer indication of the year’s outcomes.
Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 2024年生肖運程 龍年運程 兔年運程2023 12生肖運勢篇 2023兔年12生肖運程:屬牛
(Image source:New Media Group Photo Library)

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Chinese Zodiac predictions 2024 | Tiger Zodiac Horoscope

Love Horoscope Single individuals born in the Year of the Tiger will encounter numerous opportunities to meet new romantic partners. Married Tigers are likely to experience a deepening of emotional bonds with their spouses.
Career Horoscope Those born in the Year of the Tiger will see a positive trend in their career fortunes in 2024. They will have many opportunities to showcase their talents and abilities, and their efforts are likely to be rewarded more substantially.
Financial Horoscope This year is marked as one where the Tiger sign will gain wealth through personal efforts. This is especially advantageous for self-employed and professional individuals, as their income is likely to increase with the amount of work they undertake.
Health Horoscope The Year of the Tiger is a “Travelling Horse” year for those born under this sign, indicating potential for relocation or travel. However, such movements are neutral in terms of fortune; they represent change rather than good or bad luck. Choosing a house with favourable Feng Shui can ensure smooth transitions.
Precautions It is advisable to seek blessings and engage in charitable acts for peace and safety throughout the year.

Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 2024年生肖運程 龍年運程 兔年運程2023 12生肖運勢篇 2023兔年12生肖運程:屬虎
(Image source:New Media Group Photo Library)

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Chinese Zodiac predictions 2024 | Rabbit Zodiac Horoscope

Love Horoscope For singles, the year presents a favourable opportunity to develop new romantic relationships, with chances of finding suitable partners within the year. For those who are married, the relationship with their spouse is expected to be stable, with harmonious interactions and minimal conflicts.
Career Horoscope There is potential for career advancement and an increase in reputation, which indirectly aids in further career progression.
Financial Horoscope Driven by career success, financial prospects are looking positive for the year. As job positions improve, so does the likelihood of salary increases and promotions.
Health Horoscope Attention should be given to health, particularly skin and gastrointestinal issues. It’s important to avoid overeating and drinking excessively, as this could exacerbate any problems.
Precautions This year is marked by a clash with Tai Sui for those born in the Year of the Rabbit. The instability from offending Tai Sui last year will continue into this year, especially in the lunar month of February, leading to feelings of unease. Traveling for relaxation is advisable. The months of February and March are critical, carrying over the influence from last year’s Tai Sui clash and adding this year’s clash, making them the most unstable months. It’s beneficial to relax, minimize social engagements, and travel more during this spring season to mitigate negative effects. To ensure safety, it’s important to appease Tai Sui, seek blessings, pay attention to diet, and perform good deeds. On March 5th, the day of “Jingzhe,” it is advised to make offerings to the White Tiger (to prevent petty people, mitigate conflicts and legal issues, and protect against illnesses).
Chinese Zodiac Forecast 2024 2024年生肖運程 龍年運程 兔年運程2023 12生肖運勢篇 2023兔年12生肖運程:屬兔
(Image source:New Media Group Photo Library)

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(Content authorized for reproduction by Master Kwan Sai Wah)

Image source:New Media Group Photo Library