Lo Pan Festival Lo Pan Festival
Lo Pan Festival Lo Pan Festival

Lo Pan Festival: Master Festival of Builders

Festivals and Events


The Lo Pan Festival, also known as the “Master Festival” (Si Fu Dan), is an annual traditional celebration observed by builders on the 13th day of the sixth lunar month. During this festival, builders pay homage to their patron saint, Lo Pan, expressing gratitude for his protection and seeking blessings for successful and secure projects. The Hong Kong Lo Pan Kwong Yuet Tong organizes a one-and-a-half-day celebration at the Lo Pan Temple in Sai Wan on both the eve and actual day of the festival. In addition to festivities, there is a solemn ceremony held to enshrine the souls of deceased workers, summon and honor spirits, perform confession rituals, and offer tributes to wandering ghosts.

Lo Pan Festival/ Master Festival-魯班誕

Lo Pan Festival| Areas
Lo Pan Festival| Date
Lo Pan Festival|Historical evolution
Lo Pan Festival| Events

Lo Pan Festival| Areas

Hong Kong / No Specific Region

Lo Pan Festival| Date

The 13thday of the sixth lunar month

Lo Pan Festival| Historical evolution

Lo Pan, whose original surname is Gongshu and given name is Ban, was a skilled craftsman from the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. After his death, he was revered as the ancestor of the construction industry and honored as “Master Lo Pan” or “Master.” He is considered the patron saint of the industry.

The Lo Pan Temple in Tsing Lien Tai, Sai Wan, was built in 1884. The Hong Kong Kwong Yuet Tong is responsible for its management and organizes annual celebrations for Lo Pan’s birthday.

Lo Pan’s birthday falls on the 13th day of the sixth lunar month and is also known as “Master’s Birthday.” People in the construction industry take a day off on this day to visit Lo Pan Temple in the morning and celebrate with a banquet at night. During this time, there are performances such as music, puppet shows, or Cantonese opera to enhance the festivities. Additionally, until the 1960s, Kwong Yuet Tong used to distribute free meals called “Master’s Rice,” which were cooked in large iron woks. It is believed that consuming “Master’s Rice” brings good health and children can become as intelligent as Master Lo Pan.

Lo Pan Festival| Events

Professionals in the construction field, including current workers, employers, students, and retirees, gather to pay homage to Lo Pan during the annual Lo Pan Festival. Temples dedicated to Lo Pan, such as the Western District Lo Pan Temple, hold yearly celebrations to express gratitude for the blessings of Master Lo Pan and honor the spirits of those who tragically lost their lives in the construction industry.

June 12th (Lunar Calendar)

On June 12th, an opening ceremony for the altar is held at dusk. The main scripture master consecrates statues and hangs banners. Donors’ names are announced and a seat allocation ritual is performed. A repentance ritual takes place with talismans being stamped and consecrated by the main scripture master. Sutras are recited to conclude the ritual.

June 13th (Lunar Calendar)

On Lo Pan’s actual birthday, which falls on June 13th (Lunar Calendar), repentance rituals take place alongside offerings to spirits and celebratory activities.

Who is Lo Pan?

Lo Pan, also known as Master Lo Pan, was a skilled craftsman from the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He is considered the ancestor of the construction industry and is revered as the patron saint of builders.More Details

What are some events and rituals during the Lo Pan Festival?

he Lo Pan Festival includes a variety of events and rituals. Builders and professionals in the construction industry pay homage to Lo Pan at the Lo Pan Temple. There is a solemn ceremony to enshrine the souls of deceased workers, summon and honor…More Details

Image source:www.hkichdb.gov.hk