Double Ninth Festival (Image source:) Double Ninth Festival (Image source:)
Double Ninth Festival (Image source:) Double Ninth Festival (Image source:)

The Double Ninth Festival | Origin, Customs, Taboos

Festivals and Events


The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chung Yeung Festival or the Senior Citizens’ Festival, is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. This custom involves enjoying chrysanthemum flowers.

In 2024, the Double Ninth Festival will occur on October 11th.

The festival’s name, “Double Ninth,” originates from ancient beliefs in the Yi Jing, where the number 6 was associated with Yin, and the number 9 with Yang. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, both the day and the month align with Yang characteristics, leading to the festival’s unique name.

Origin of Double Ninth Festival

In ancient times, the double ninth day was considered a cause for celebration. Folk traditions included climbing mountains on this day, leading to the Chung Yeung Festival being known as the Height Ascending Festival. Additionally, it is also referred to as the Chrysanthemum Festival. The name “double ninth” sounds similar to the word meaning “forever,” so this day is also a time for worshipping ancestors.


The Double Ninth Festival, dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, is rooted in a story about Huan Jing. After losing his parents to a plague, Huan sought wisdom from a master in the mountains and became a disciple of the immortal Fei Changfang. Fei gave Huan a magical sword and warned him about the return of the plague demon on the ninth day of ninth month. He advised Huan to lead his people to safety up a mountain, using chrysanthemum leaves for protection and chrysanthemum wine for strength. Following this advice, Huan defeated the demon and saved his community. This heroic tale inspired the traditions of the Double Ninth Festival, where people climb mountains, drink chrysanthemum wine, and wish for health and longevity, especially for the elderly.

Celebrating Double Ninth Festival

1. Appreciating Chrysanthemums

One of the main customs of the Double Ninth Festival is to appreciate chrysanthemums. People will visit parks, gardens, or chrysanthemum exhibitions to admire various types of chrysanthemum varieties.

2. Hiking and Mountaineering

People choose to go hiking and mountaineering on the Double Ninth Festival, especially climbing mountains. This activity is called “worshipping mountains” and helps enhance physical strength. It is also believed to ward off evil spirits and bless one with safety.

Why worshiping Mountain during Double Ninth Festival ?

The “mountain worship” activity during the Double Ninth Festival is an important part of people’s mountain climbing, with profound cultural significance. During the Double Ninth Festival, people worship their ancestors to show respect and gratitude. At the same time, they also participate in various celebration activities such as hiking, appreciating couplets, enjoying flowers and moon viewing to express gratitude towards nature.

Mountain worship not only helps strengthen the body but is also believed to drive away evil spirits and pray for peace and good luck. Hiking also helps appreciate the beautiful scenery of nature and promotes inner tranquility.

3. Eating Pastries

The Double Ninth Festival has a special food called Chung Yeung cake. It is a pastry made from glutinous rice and usually filled with lotus seed paste, walnuts, lotus seeds, etc., creating a festive atmosphere.

5 Taboos in Double Ninth Festival

  1. Avoid saying “Happy holidays.”
  2. Avoiding sexual intercourse on that day
  3. Avoid cooking
  4. Avoid giving chrysanthemums as gifts to elderly
  5. Two men avoid discussing work matters.

Differences of Double Ninth Festival and Ching Ming Festival

The Double Ninth Festival and the Ching Ming Festival are both traditional Chinese holidays, but they have some differences.

  1. Ching Ming Festival is usually celebrated around the fourth day of the third lunar month, while the Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
  2. Ching Ming Festival is mainly for commemorating ancestors and tomb-sweeping, while the Double Ninth Festival involves appreciating chrysanthemums and mountain climbing.

Double Ninth Festival Leave guide

If you want to create a 4-day holiday, you can choose the days before or after the Double Ninth Festival.

  • Public holiday: 11 Oct (National Day)
  • Days to take annual leave: 10 Oct (Thur) or 14 Oct (Mon)
  • Days of holidays: 4 Days

What is the Double Ninth Festival?

The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chung Yeung Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It dates back to the Eastern Han Dynasty…Click for More

What are the differences between the Double Ninth Festival and Ching Ming Festival?

The Double Ninth Festival and Ching Ming Festival are both traditional Chinese festivals but have distinct focuses. The Ching Ming Festival, typically in early April, is primarily for honoring ancestors and tomb-sweeping. In contrast, the Double Ninth Festival occurring in October, involves activities like chrysanthemum appreciation and mountain climbing… Click for More

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