Hau Wong Festival Hau Wong Festival
Hau Wong Festival Hau Wong Festival

Hau Wong Festival: The Marquis Prince’s Birthday

Festivals and Events


The Hau Wong Festival, also known as the Birthday of Hau Wong or Yeung Hau, is an annual celebration observed in some communities in Hong Kong. This festival commemorates Hau Wong, a revered deity in Chinese folklore, known as a guardian and protector.

Hau Wong Festival-楊侯誕

Hau Wong Festival| Areas
Hau Wong Festival| Date
Hau Wong Festival|Historical evolution
Hau Wong Festival| Events

Hau Wong Festival| Areas

The Hau Wong Festival is primarily celebrated in the New Territories and Kowloon City areas of Hong Kong.

Hau Wong Festival| Date

The festival is observed on different dates depending on the region. In Tai O, it takes place on the 6th day of the sixth lunar month. In Kowloon City and Tai Wai, it is celebrated on the 16th day of the sixth lunar month. In Tung Chung, the festival occurs on the 18th day of the eighth lunar month.

Hau Wong Festival| Historical evolution

There are various opinions about the identity of Hau Wong, with the most well-known being the loyal minister Yueng Leungzit from the late Southern Song Dynasty. It is said that Yueng Leungzit, as a high-ranking official in the late Southern Song Dynasty, assisted Emperor Gong and his successor Emperor Bing in escaping to Kowloon. Yueng was enfeoffed as a marquis during his lifetime and posthumously honored as a king. He is commonly referred to as “Hau Wong” and temples were built to commemorate his bravery and loyalty. There is also a belief that Hau Wong refers to Yueng Yi Bak Gong, who treated Emperor Gong’s illness.

The exact period when the worship of Hau Wong was introduced to Hong Kong is difficult to determine. The existing ancient Hau Wong temples in Hong Kong were built in the early Qing Dynasty, such as Tai O Ancient Hau Wong Temple which houses an iron bell cast in 1699 during Kangxi’s reign. It is believed that this temple was established no later than 1699. Currently, there are many Hau Wong temples across different districts in Hong Kong, each with its own forms of celebration and commemoration dates. Among them, Tai O and Tung Chung have the grandest celebration activities for Hau Wong.

Hau Wong Festival

Hau Wong Festival | Events

Yeung Hau’s birthday is celebrated on three main dates in Hong Kong: the 6th day of the sixth lunar month (Tai O), the 16th day of the sixth lunar month (Kowloon City, Tai Wai), and the 18th day of the eighth lunar month (Tung Chung). Celebrations include religious performances, dragon dances, lion dances, and offerings at Yeung Hau Temple. Additional rituals are observed in Tai O to pay respects to sea deities and wandering spirits.

Where is the Hau Wong Festival celebrated?

The Hau Wong Festival is primarily celebrated in the New Territories and Kowloon City…More Details

Who is Hau Wong?

Hau Wong is a revered deity in Chinese folklore, known as a guardian and protector. The exact identity of Hau Wong is debated, with theories suggesting figures such as Yueng Leungzit or ….More Details

Image source:www.hkichdb.gov.hk