Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade
Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade

Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade: Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong

Festivals and Events


Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade is one of the national intangible cultural heritage lists. The annual Dragon Boat Festival in Tai O, Hong Kong, is not only a vibrant celebration but also a deeply rooted religious event that showcases the rich cultural heritage of the local community. This extraordinary tradition, cherished for over a century, embodies the spiritual devotion and cultural significance that has earned it a prestigious place on China’s esteemed list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade|Introduction
Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade|Details

Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade|Introduction

During the annual Dragon Boat Festival, three fishermen’s associations in Tai O, namely Pa Teng Hong, Sin Yu Hong, and Hap Sim Tong, come together to organize a religious event called the dragon boat water parade. Prior to the festival morning, members of these associations row their dragon boats to visit four temples located in Tai O. At these temples, they receive statues representing Yeung Hou, Tin Hau, Kwan Tei, and Hung Shing. These deity statues are then carried back to their respective association halls for worship.

On the day of the festival itself, the deity statues are placed on sacred sampans that are towed by the dragon boats belonging to each association. Together they form a grand procession that parades through Tai O’s waters. Once this ritual is complete, the deity statues are returned to their original temples during the afternoon.

This extraordinary religious activity has been passed down for over a century and holds great significance within Tai O’s cultural heritage. In recognition of its importance and uniqueness, the Tai O dragon boat water parade was officially inscribed onto China’s third national list of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in 2011.

Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade Dragon Boat Festival
(Image source: icho.hk website)

Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade|Details

  • Area:Tai O, Lantau Island, New Territories
  • Era:1840s to late 19th century
  • Date: On the 4th and 5th days of the fifth month in the lunar calendar

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Image source:icho.hk website, discoverhk.com